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What's the latest on research?

Since the end of last summer, we have carried out a total of 30 interviews.

We had the pleasure of exchanging around fifty hours with project leaders engaged in confidential research interviews.

💡 This new posture of listening and qualitative interview guidance is very learning for us and allows us to experience particularly intense moments of inspiration.

Do you often have the opportunity to actively listen for 2 hours? 🙀

Find the list of organizations that took part in the exercise: 2tonnes, Auxilia Conseil, Biovallée, Blue Choice, Engage, Fertiles, HOP, La Caserne Bascule, La Fresque du Climat, La Fresque du Numérique, La Traverse, Les Amanins, Ecological Spring, The Shift Project, Ulteria.

📃 We are already observing the first very relevant signals with regard to our research question:

❓ What are the ingredients that promote ecological shifts?

Work on the theoretical framework is progressing well and we are planning dedicated work and convergence times with the team of teacher-researchers in the spring. Our research collective is working well and we are in a very good collaborative dynamic for this inductive research which promises to be very enriching.

🗝 The first results can probably be shared at the end of the year - you have to be patient!

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